Wolf's Den Pet Sitters, LLC
Wolf's Den Pet Sitters, LLC
Insured, Bonded & Certified in Professional Pet Care Services
We'll care for your pets, plants & home like we care for our own!
262.960.4873 cell/text

It was a sunny October Tuesday afternoon and time to peel the harvested pomegranates that my boss loved as an afternoon snack...wish I hadn't worn my white suit that day!
That was one of my many skills serving as an Executive Administrative Assistant for over 25 years. My pomegranate-peeling days are long gone, and I'm excited to offer pet-sitting services through Wolf's Den Pet Sitters, LLC. The skills and aptitude I've developed during those years currently enable me to provide our services by paying close attention to every minor detail and staying one step ahead of your expectations. One of our primary goals is to gain your trust and confidence that your pet(s) and home are safe and secure as we're focused on providing these services with the highest level of customer satisfaction.

Hello, I'm Doreen Wolf, and have been a pet parent most of my life (had my first German Shepherd at the age of three which I rode like a horse at my Grandparent's Wisconsin farm). I understand and appreciate the affection other pet parents have for their animals as their love is unconditional. So rest assured, by utilizing the pet-sitting services offered by Wolf's Den Pet Sitters, your peace of mind is our ultimate goal, and we'll eliminate that guilty feeling you may encounter when having to always rely on a friend, neighbor or family member to assist.
Please contact us so we may begin assisting you in treating your pet(s) like royalty......just ask "Lobo"......